

YouTube integration

Our official YouTube integration how now been released for workspaces on our Growth, Premium and Enterprise workspaces.
Using this integration you can import comment activities from any of the public videos on your channel(s).
Historical import is included, so all your comment history will be brought in after you connect the integration for the first time.
If you have multiple channels, you can connect more than one YouTube integration to your workspace and use the
Activity Properties
in our Filters to differentiate between activity one channel or another.
Please note that _only the channel owner can add the integration_. Due to limitations with the YouTube API, Managers and Editors of channels do not have the appropriate permissions to do this.
Check out the full documentation for the integration in our shiny new Orbit Docs website.
Information for users of our previous Community/Ready-to-Connect YouTube integration:
This integration is no longer supported but you can continue to use it if you wish. Should you decide to switch over to the official integration, please stop your original integration first.